Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 7 - Some kids talk a lot, and some don't

To start off my stay in Athens, which technically isn't a stay IN Athens but rather in a suburb outside, I slept in. It was awesome. It is very hot here at night and since I'm built for Canada I nearly melted away.

After lunch we went to the supermarket to stock up. Just like in the other countries I would pick things up as if I'm going to read them and then put them back realizing once again that I have no idea what it said. The store itself was quite different, it has 2 floors. Bottom for dry food and produce, upper for meat and dairy. They also have alcohol in the store.
Next up was my first 'lesson' with the boy's. First up is 2 hours with Alex. Because they aren't back in school yet we didn't have proper work to do and just talked instead.He talks and talks and talks. Always having something to say and something to show. He told me all about the travelling he did over the summer and we played games. He showed me some basic Greek using one of his games.

 I'll keep you updated on how that goes... I'd like to come home having learned something but I make no guarantees that it sounds like much.....

After Alex is Aris. He is very shy and still hasn't talked to me. We played together and I talked to him and asked him questions, mostly he answered with animal noises. Fortunately he is so cute so I'll take that for a bit. By the end of our first hour he was at least handing me things or pointing at what he wanted me to see. And also shooting me with toys... That's progress, right??

School starts here on Thursday and Aris is going into grade 1 and to a new school so he needed a new backpack. A trip to a store a suburb away. It was like wal-mart, but just with stuff for kids... I'm sure that I don't need to explain how hard it is to get anywhere in there with two little boys.. amusing though. At some point Aris decided he needed to be holding my hand. I definitely call that progress!

And that's where I'm going to leave you for today.


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