Sunday, September 23, 2012

Day 20 - Sunrise on the Mediterranean

Can you believe it's already been 20 days?!!

This morning I woke up sooo early. Like 5:30am. I attribute this to my "pillow" being a brick and to it being my first night sleeping alone since leaving home. (Always been in dorm style rooms or at the house with the family) Normally I'd be opposed to this kind of behavior, 5:30 is a little absurd, but being up so early meant I could watch the stars fade away and the sun come up over the waves. This I am OK with.

After sitting and soaking up the beauty of the island for a bit, I went for a swim again! It was the perfect time. The water is clean and a bit cooler just as the sun is getting hot, a perfect combo. After swimming was breakfast.
It was so delicious! Coffee, orange juice (that tastes like vodka), Greek yogurt with honey, bread, meat, cheese, egg, tomato and a piece of what looked and tasted like chocolate chip loaf bread.

After breakfast and an hour and a half of waiting for and then in a bus, it's 11:30 and I finally head back to Aegina town.
By the time I get there at noon it's scorching out and the town is packed. They have a pistachio festival happening right now. The island is covered in pistachio trees and it seems like its a big thing for them. Because of the festival the streets were full of people and booths full of things to buy. Mainly, you guessed it, pistachios. It seems like the main way they are around here is roasted with lemon and extra salt, and also I found some coated in sesame seeds. Both quite good. I also sampled a pistachio liqueur, which was.. Interesting..
After browsing around the market for a bit and wandering the streets I sat on a beach and then at the harbor for a while. More browsing, then more sitting.
Fortunately I spent a good amount of my day unintentionally with the South African couple I met yesterday. We continuously ran into each other last night and this morning and then waited for and took the bus together. It's always nice to have some company and people from other countries are great to talk with.

Finally at 2:30 I got on the ferry. I quickly made a few realizations. 1st, I don't like when the ship isn't moving, it makes me feel ill, 2nd, we left the port as soon as everyone was on board, 2:40ish... My ticket was for 3:30...... I assumed that the ferry would stay at Aegina for a while before leaving just like in Athens, that's why I got on. And this ferry doesn't run hourly or anything so I had to assume that this was my ferry. Of course, being me I silently panicked, and then realized that worst that could happen is me ending up on another beautiful sun soaked island in the Mediterranean... Or I could get sun/heat stroke..
Are you concerned now that I'm lost at sea??

Don't worry. I'm not. I made it back to Athens and on to my train. The ferry ride was about 70 minutes and the train ride is a long 50 minutes from the port of Piraeus to Kifissia, a suburb near the one I live in. Once I got there I had to wait 35 minutes for a bus to take me to my suburb. 20 minutes on there, a 20 minute walk, and finally home. Sweaty and exhausted and sore but had an awesome time away!

It was all-in-all a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing many more islands during my time here!

I ended off my night with a nice home cooked meal of meatballs and fries.

See you tomorrow!


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