Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day 24 - Riots and games

I didn't end up going into Athens today because during the strike yesterday there were molotov cocktails and fire bombs as well as rioting. I didn't think today would be a great day to go, especially since I was originally planning to go to the area where this all took place.
50000 people were on the streets of Athens outside the parliament building to protest more cuts. There were also about 3000 police present.

Instead of going out I made some plans for my weekend, where I want to go and what I want to see. I have a plan A and B and I'm still deciding between them... I'll keep you posted.

The boys were exceptionally good today during their lessons and of course this makes it much more fun for me. When the work was done Aris and I colored and played memory, I finally beat him. Alexandros and I played guess who.
After lessons they had swimming and I started feeling sick again so it's early to bed tonight.

See you all tomorrow for something hopefully more exciting!


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