Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 19 - Aegina Island!

It has finally arrived! The day I get to go to an island!! Yay!

7:00am - breakfast, finish packing
8:00am - out the door
9:00am - This is where the fun begins. Sitting on the ferry, it doesn't leave until 10, but I'm here early because Alexandros starts sailing lessons today and we all came to the port together. So anyway, sitting on the ferry and already feeling motion sick. WE AREN'T EVEN MOVING YET!! And then I rummage around in my bag a bit only to realize I forgot my gravol!! Oh shit.. I'm only the worst traveller ever! How could I forget that!??! It's like forgetting to wear underwear!!! Lets not panic now, I have strange little bracelet things that hit pressure points and make motion sickness go away. Oh wait, no I don't! I forgot those too?! Off to a good start here.
10:00am - waiting to leave now and just saw a dog pee on a chair on the deck... And then saw an unsuspecting traveller put his backpack down on top of it.. Ew
11:00ish - Arrived on the island. It's soo cute! The water is so clean and crystal clear and I can't wait to get in! The ferry trip was pretty good, no sickness. Now that I'm here I first have to take a bus to the other side of the island and find my hotel. The bus doesn't go until 12:30 so i'll have to wait a bit. (Met a nice South African couple while I was waiting and that helped pass the time)
1:00ish - Found a hotel. Not the one I wanted, but it'll do. Set my stuff down and went for a walk around. This part of the island is really tiny and cute and the ocean over here looks even better! While walking I stopped to have the best ice cream I've ever had in my life and then back to the hotel to change for swimming!

4:00pm - Just kidding!! I'll just pass out instead... Now I'll go down to the water..
5:00pm - It was amazing! The water is so beautiful and clean and really warm.
5:15pm - Supper time. Spaghetti.. Not very creative or very Greek, but I'm eating it while looking out at the Mediterranean and its only costing me €4.50
I'm not really sure what to do with the rest of my night. It's very empty and quiet on this side of the the island. I've also already walked through town several times. I guess I will be sitting and watching the ocean for the rest of my night.

I've noticed that they have the same stray cat and dog issue here that they have in Athens. Poor animals!

Tomorrow morning I have to get up early to have breakfast and then hike to the temple that is here on the island. I really have no idea how far it is or how long to get there, but I know where the trail starts and that's good enough. From the temple I will hopefully be able to get the bus back to the main town on the island where I can explore a little more before I have to go back to Athens. Or possibly I may just skip the temple and do the town and come back again for the temple.. I guess we'll see.

6:41pm - Got more ice cream. Oops... It's just so good!!! It's like marshmallows and whipped cream mixed together in a frozen yet soft way with chocolate sauce mixed in.. So good. Also, think about how much ice cream you get when you ask for 1 scoop. Generally it's literally 1 scoop. Here it's 3. And when you ask for 2, it's 6..

That's basically been my day. And now it's over. Good night/day/afternoon!



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