Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 18 - Packing!

Hello, hello!
Thank you to everyone who shared what they want to see on here, I now have some good ideas!
Because all of these ideas involve a little thought and definitely some pictures, they will be starting on Monday!
"Monday?!!" You may be thinking, "that's so far away!" But fear not, tomorrow I sail off to an island for some exploring and some fun in the sun (aka laying on a beach pretending I can tan) I will be there for Saturday and Sunday so I should have plenty to share! I've read that this island has one of the oldest and best preserved temples in Greece!

As for today, nothing new. Just packing for the island. Played monopoly with the little ones. Skyped a bit. Considered that I have packed to much, but decided I like it that way. And that's pretty much all. I have to get to bed so I can be up at 6:30am tomorrow to get ready and be off to the port at 8:00.

Until tomorrow.


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