Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 4 - Trains, American and rude people (AKA Frankfurt, Germany)

Here I am! Frankfurt, Germany.
Taking the train to get here was nothing overly special, but I've learned some helpful things for my future train journey's. First, if the car has a big 1 on the side, It's first class, not just a random number. Secondly, some seat will be reserved, but the person who reserved them might not get on until the last hour of your 4 hour trip, and lastly, if your luggage is above someone else's seat they may bitch at you in German and then glare. SORRY LADY, SOMEONE ELSE'S WAS ABOVE ME!!!! SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING!!!!

Anyways. Once off the train, I was asked by a drunk man if he could have 2 Euro, I told him no and he walked away saying "Fucking American, Fuck you." SO RUDE!
From there I got on my bus to take me to the hostel. It was MUCH easier to find this time. In fact, you get off the bus about 50m away from the entrance. Once I got checked in and got my room sorted I went for a short walk around the area. Nothing to see or do except the River Main. Upon returning I asked about wi-fi, they have it, but its 2 Euro per hour, so I decided a nap would be better. After sleeping for about 5 hours I went for some food. French fries in the cafeteria downstairs. Still being exhausted I went back to my room to realize that this is the noisiest hostel ever and my room mate sucks!!! She's noisy and rude and snores and farts in her sleep. Please save me.

All together not a great day, but I'm going to make tomorrow better!


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