Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Day 50 - My 21st birthday!

Well, I'm going to share a secret with you today.
21 feels just like 20.
Don't tell anyone though, I'd hate to be the one who destroys dreams.

That said, I've had a pretty great birthday. Cinnamon French toast with honey for breakfast before heading out. I went down to the tourist area in Athens first, for no real reason other than because I like it there. I made a stop at Starbucks for a hot chocolate to keep my fingers warm while I shopped and wandered. It was pouring rain for most of the day and not terribly warm. I walked a whole different direction that I haven't been previously and found a few more shops and a museum which I didn't go into. After a few hours I jumped back on the train. At the end station where I get off there is a sushi restaurant right behind my bus stop, so I did the obvious thing and bought sushi. California maki rolls and salmon and tuna sashimi to be specific. Some of my favorite food. It was fantastic! On my way home I stopped for a dessert AGAIN, but that's the last one.
I swear.
Honestly. Birthday week is over and so is dessert.
It was very good while it lasted. Chocolate cake on the bottom, chocolate mousse above, strawberry mousse on top of that and strawberry jelly stuff on top. All topped with a strawberry and the sides covered in white and milk chocolate bits. SO GOOD!

When I got home it was lesson time. Aris and I had fun playing and he showed me some more Greek. He's a lovely little teacher. Except when he makes you write and rewrite things you don't know..
Alex made me a birthday card which was very nice and then we travelled again. Mexico today. Then we played supermarket. When I called it grocery store he got very confused, had no idea what that was. Apperantly "groceries" are foreign... Who knew?!

They have now gone swimming and I'm again trying to warm up after dinner. What better way than a mile and a half run! Ok, so there are better ways, but this way I get to work off a bit of the ridiculous amount I ate. Killing two birds with one stone!

I hope all your days were wonderful too!


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