Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 30 - Decisions

Are you getting bored yet?? I'm getting bored writing about my days that go the same way all the time.

I'm having a thought about travel. Since I'll be in Greece for another 2 months, do I want to go see everything I want to see in the next few weekends while the weather is nice and the sea is warm and then do nothing for whatever weeks are left?? Or do I want to spread out my weekend getaways so I have something to look forward too? There is plenty to see and do everywhere I go so I'm really not to worried about whether I can swim. And let's be honest here, how cold could it really get here? I'm Canadian after all.

That I know of at this point, there are 3 places that I want to see before December. Santorini, Mykonos and the Peloponnese. Feel free to recommend anywhere else you think I should see.

Anyway. Today I did actually get out for a bit. I walked a mile (literally) to the post office. It seems way farther than that though, especially when it's so hot out. After getting some postcards sent off I ran the mile back home. No stops. No walking. It felt awesome.
Afterwards was laundry, lunch, shower, lessons, crash..

I'm hoping to get out again tomorrow. Maybe I'll find something new and exciting near where I'm living. Or maybe I'll go seek out somewhere to have frozen yogurt and pastries... Is that bad?
I have an addiction. A yummy one.

I of course will let you know how it goes and what I find.
Until then,



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