Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 34 - Favorites; month 1

I've decided to do something I'm calling "favorites". It'll be a list of all the things I have loved in the course of a month.

Lets start!

Savory food: Beef gyros in pita, no onion.

Sweet food: The 'cookie' ice cream I had on Aegina island. Amazing.

Place I've seen: This one is very difficult, but it's a toss up between Amsterdam and Poros/Hydra. Is that cheating?

Moment: I've had a few moments I could classify as favorites.
-when I first saw the acropolis above me
-first time in the Mediterranean Sea
-when Chad told me he was joining me
-watching the sunrise alone on a beach

Thing I've bought: A tiny white cotton dress with embroidery for my yet unborn niece.

Thing I brought from home: By far, my iPhone. Where would I be without it? I can Skype, iMessage, email, Facebook, take photos and videos AND I'm writing this blog on it! On top of all that, it's like a scrapbook. I can look back at so many things when I'm missing home.

Favorite randomly assorted 'others':
-flying over Scotland
-being in Iceland
-walking tour of Amsterdam
-the people I've met along the way
-realizing all food isn't actually gross...


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