Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 31 - Shop til' you melt

After being here for nearly a month I'm honestly getting quite tired of the heat. It's nice to be warm and sunny, but for me it's an uncomfortable heat. The kind that makes you sweaty and makes the make up melt right off your face, hair sticks to the back of your neck and your clothes always feel to tight.

Today I woke up to the beautiful sound of rain. Oh, how I've missed it.
I'm sure you know what rain means.
It means the air is cool. The sun hides and everything smells fresh.
All this paired with some good country music on my iPod and a trip to the mall made for a pretty great morning.

I went to Athens "the mall".
Seriously. It's called "the mall".
How original.

But anyway, back on topic. I went for a little shopping trip just because. I do like to shop.. The mall has plenty of those stores you can find anywhere like H&M and Sephora, but being Athens it also has plenty of shops I've never heard of. Makes for good fun.

2 hours later, I've done some damage and have to get some lunch before heading home for work. I finally found a Caesar salad!! So exciting. It's not the easiest thing to find this side of the ocean. It was truly satisfying. Even though the weirdo who made it put in corn.

Metro, bus and walk the now sunny, hot and thoroughly uncomfortable way home.

Lesson, lesson, lesson.

Heat + Children + I go to bed to late = exhaustion.

See you tomorrow!


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