Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 88 - Banana pancakes!

Its always bizarre when I wake up from a dream and think back on it only to realize that someone totally random or "irrelevant" in my life took the starring role. Today it was my sixth grade teacher. Weird.

It took a lot of motivation but I got out for a little while today. Mostly just to walk around. I strolled through the "farmers" market and stopped in a few shops before coming back to the house for lunch.

With Aris I did a poster project of Africa like I did with Alex last week. And then with Alex we made paper snowflakes.

When they went off to swimming I made myself some delicious banana pancakes and toast for supper and then headed off to my room for the usual. Shows on my laptop.

Tomorrow is undecided but I'm considering the zoo if I'm up early enough.
See you then!


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