Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day 68 - Rainy

After a long night featuring a very strange disconnected dream about a lot of random things and staring some pretty random people (think high school), I finally got myself out of bed and up for breakfast. It turned out to be that annoying kind of breakfast where you have already poured the cereal and crushed the now empty box before you realize that there isn't any milk. Damn! Because dry Special K doesn't really cut it for me I drizzled on some honey and had it with strawberry yogurt. It was quite good actually.

I'm usually up and out of the house pretty early every Saturday but today was very cold and wet and rainy so it took me a while to get going. I had a strong urge to actually do my hair and make up today, something that doesn't happen much over here and so I did it. Curls and eyeliner. And then I realized I had no where to go...
Fortunately it stopped raining right before I decided to leave (2:30pm, a bit late).
Nothing really new, I left without a set destination. There's plenty of time to figure it out while waiting for or riding the bus. Instead of thinking about that though, I was trying not to be sick. My motion sickness has been acting up on the buses lately. Not terribly enjoyable. And because I felt sick AND it was cold I figured the mall would be better than walking around outside.

The mall had nothing new to offer and all I bought was a muffin. It was a good muffin though. I also noticed that Starbucks has released their holiday drinks, they are not the same drinks we have at home though. Mocha praline and something toffee.
What is a praline???

Anyway, wandering didn't last long before I turned around and headed for home.
Motion sick - 1
Dani - 0

Of course when I got home I felt fine again.. Oh well. Another night spent in with my laptop. What an exciting life I lead.

Until tomorrow,


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