Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 66

I keep telling myself I'm going to get out and do things but it hasn't happened. Instead I unintentionally slept until 12:30, which I'm not terribly pleased about and then when I did get up I cleaned my bathroom and bedroom so I could feel like I've done something recently. Though, I do enjoy cleaning anyway.

Aris spent his whole lesson asking me over and over if I was done his igloo yet. He seems to think its a toy. Of course I did finish it eventually.
After that in Alex's lesson he set up a mini greenhouse that he is determined to plant in tomorrow, either lettuce, carrots, basil, broccoli or cauliflower.

Omelet for dinner and then normal night time stuff.

I really am planning to get up and out tomorrow. Hopefully that actually happens. It will require my normal alarms, but that I actually get up when they go off.
Until then,


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