Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 60 - An unintentional long walk, again

This morning I got up early so I could go into Athens to meet a friend. While sitting on the bus to the train I watched a man pull a bottle of something (kind of looked like peach schnapps, very manly) out of his pocket, and then drink a quarter if it in one glug.. I had been wondering why everyone was avoiding the seat next to him. I guess now I know. Who doesn't like people watching?? It's so entertaining!
When I got off the bus I took the short walk across a park to get to the train station. When I got there I found that all the gates and doors were closed and locked, and the train was parked... What's going on?!?! I was told before that the buses and trains here frequently go on strikes, I guess today was one of those days. Now, not only did it take me 50 minutes to get to the train that I can't ride, but my friend was waiting for me at the other end and I had no way to let her know I wouldn't make it.
Since I couldn't do anything about either of these issues I decided I would take a walk around the area and see what I could find. Though I am there several times a week, I've only seen the bus stop, train station and the little bit in between them. I found a cute pedestrian shopping area and some restaurants/cafes. Nothing to exciting but now I know what is there for future reference.

Because I hadn't been there long I knew another bus would be a while and decided that I would walk in the general direction of home and hopefully match up with a bus at another stop along the way. This turned out differently than I had expected and somewhat like last weekends walk. It was 70(!!) minutes of walking before I got on a bus, took that bus for 15 minutes, then got off and walked another 15 minutes home. I think if I had have walked the whole way it would have been another 30-50 minutes.

When I finally got home, sweaty and exhausted, I had lunch and then a well deserved hour long nap, waking only because I set an alarm for lessons.

Aris wasn't in a particularly happy mood today so lessons were a bit bumpy, of course as soon as play time came around he was all cured of his grumpy. We chatted about what he was playing with on the floor and I made him this delightful camping scene. Why? Because I'm crafty and sometimes an idea just happens and I get carried away.. I like it!!

I know what you are thinking. "Damn, she's good with those scissors!"
I was thinking the very same thing!!
Look at that skill! The fishing rod with a rainbow trout, or gay pride fish, whichever you prefer. I was going for rainbow though... The adorable fire pit, bush and trees! There is even a pillow in that sleeping bag!
OK, ok. It's probably only awesome to me and Aris. I'm ok with that.

Alex was also in a bit of a sour mood today. It seems some children woke up on the wrong side of their beds. No play time for him today because lessons took his whole 2 hours.

Dinner. Scrambled eggs, toast, apple.

And that is all for today. I'm not sure if I'll be going anywhere this weekend but if I do you can be sure you will hear about it!


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