Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 114

After check out this morning Chad and I put our bags in lock-up and went for a walk to no where in particular. We eventually ended up in Starbucks.
We found it quite strange that almost nothing at all is opened today, but tons of places were on Christmas and Christmas Eve. Very strange. The equivalent of Boxing Day in Germany starts tomorrow (27).

We had all day to kill before our train at 8pm and we spent it walking and then sitting around. Eating too.
The train first takes us to Frankfurt for a quick change over and then up to Denmark! We won't arrive there until 7:30am tomorrow though. 11.5 hours on the train. Ick. And we decided not to spend the extra money on a couchette this time because it was cold and uncomfortable last time. Therefore it is sleep in a chair.

See you in Kolding!


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