Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 105 - Lucerne, Switzerland

First things first. BREAKFAST! One of my favorite parts of the day! It was a great breakfast. Croissants, bacon, cereal, tea.. Yum!

After breakfast we packed up so we could move to a different room and then went out to explore our area. We are staying right next to the train station, overlooking the lake and across the bridge from the old medieval city.

Everything here is so picturesque and charming. The snow capped alps play a majestic back drop to the city, the swans on the lake and the covered bridges add a bit of romance, the lights and the crisp air leave a feeling of Christmas, and for me, home.

We walked through the old town and along the old wall, shopped, stopped to here and there to take pictures, playing the snap happy tourists we are. We had a map to give us a basic guideline of what to see but didn't really follow it. After a few hours we decided to find food.
Major downside. Extremely expensive city. Especially regarding food. And because we had to pay in Swiss Francs instead of Euro, it was yet another exchange rate to consider.
We eventually found a somewhat reasonably priced restaurant and had bratwurst and potatoes with salad. And bought Swiss chocolate too!

Having finished supper we walked a bit more before going back to our room. We planned to go to a bar for a drink but with the prices the way they are we decided not to. Instead we had a drink in our room and the went out again to look at Christmas lights. Trees and bridges and buildings were lit up, especially around the lake.

Now it is bed time!


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