Monday, March 18, 2013

The kitchen situation

Having moved in only 5 days ago now we are still living with very little furniture and next to nothing in the kitchen. This is significant since I like to eat…

The first days I was too busy cleaning, organizing and putting away what I could to be overly concerned about eating. By day 3 I was starving. Our cookware hasn’t arrived yet (except the tiny pink sandwich pan I brought with) and we have no microwave so this leaves us with limited options. A quick trip to the grocery store and food would be mine again! Milk made cereal possible, and cereal is a must in my everyday life. Bread, margarine and cheese slices made grilled cheese happen and I feel like grilled cheese is pretty much always a good option. So, it has now been 3 days of sandwiches and dry soup noodles. As good as that has been…. I was feeling ready for something else. Enter frozen perogies. Normally I would boil those delicious doughy little devils but without a pot I couldn’t. I also didn’t think putting them in a bowl with hot water from the Keurig machine and putting another bowl on top would work..

Enter from the oven drawer, sandwich pan! Due to its teeny tininess I could make 6 perogies. Unfortunately this method takes much longer than boiling but it makes up for it by tasting wonderful. Firm and toasty on the outside, warm and soft inside!! Because I obviously didn’t have any kind of topping for them, I had to get creative. Normally I burn butter and add cracker crumbs (which I don’t have.)This time it was margarine with beef jerky. Typing it out now I think it sounds a bit questionable, but let me reassure you. It was freaking amazing. Basically it was crisp and delicious and pretending to be bacon.

In other kitchen related news, we have a spice rack, coffee machine with tons of coffee and ridiculous amounts of mugs, 5 bowls, some utensils and that’s pretty much all. We also have 1 stool pulled up to the counter for eating. Eventually we will have a table and chairs.. eventually. I`m feeling hopeful that cookware will come soon and then I can cook. Or try to…


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