Sunday, March 31, 2013

Life lately

As life is changing and evolving small things are also happening on the sidelines and in the background.

As of lately, I have been enjoying watching romantic movies, eating whatever random food I come up with, going out with friends, wrestling Chad in our empty living room, playing dress up and trying to make plans. Plans to run, cook, organize, work more, do crafts and DIY's and try to enjoy being more still. Chad and I are also discussing taking a class together.

Romantic movies have always been big for me. Some of my absolute favorites are Breakfast at Tiffany's, Moulin Rouge and Ever After. Recently I watch the Sex and the City movie (#2), Gone with the wind and Dr Zhivago. I've seen and enjoyed these movies before, with the exception of Dr Zhivago. It boasts being an epic romance, and in my opinion, wasn't. It's really quite a strange movie. And I didn't see the romance in it at all. Russian revolution and affairs do not make romance. Still good though.

Onwards to food. Because its Easter time I mostly just want to eat Lofthouse cookies and Peeps marshmallows... And then likely turn into a soft squishy marshmallow myself...
Because I'm still waiting on more kitchen things, including food, I have limits. My latest creation: Grilled cheese with pepperoni and avocado. Strangely delicious.

As for the other things, dress up is a certain highlight. Don't deny it. We all love doing it. Manfriend Chad does Aikido (a martial art that I know very little about except that he loves it an its defensive) and I got him to put the uniform on me. Yes, he put it on me. No way would I have been able to get it on properly by myself. It was a good laugh for me.

Running will happen soon. I'm sure. Cooking should also, but I want to find some good things to make first. Finally working again makes me feel crafty and therefore arty things are bound to happen at home. As for that class, archery is what I'm hoping for! I'll let you know!

Sorry for the late post again! I'm trying hard to stick with Monday, Thursday, Saturday but sometimes life gets in the way and I don't have internet in the condo just yet. Hopefully that will happen soon too.

Happy Easter!


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