Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm back!

Well, I'm back. Its been too long and so much has been happening. I've been keeping quite busy with general life and also with extras. Most notably putting the house together after the arrival of our furniture and making cosplay costumes for Comic Con in Calgary!

Last time I posted, about 3 weeks ago, I was awaiting the arrival of my grandparents and furniture. They came for Easter and brought with them tons of things for my little home. Chad and I finally made it to Ikea to buy our table and G&G brought the chairs to go around it. They also brought dishes, cookware, a microwave, towels and so many other things. We don't have to eat off paper towel any more and can eat more than grilled cheese and cereal!!!

On top of that, I've started a new job. Unfortunately it's not doing hair but its a cute place and it pays. Ideally hair will happen again soon.

This weekend Chad and I are taking a little trip away to Calgary for the comic and entertainment expo. If you aren't familiar with Comic Con it is a big 3 day convention for comics, movies, tv, books, games, etc.. There is also quite an extensive guest list and a lot of big names. Carrie Fisher!???!!! Yup, Princess Leia. Also, people from Game of Thrones, The walking dead, Firefly and so many more.
I will definitely let you all know how it goes! And give you a good look at my costume and how I made it!!

Until then,


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