Friday, January 2, 2015

10 things I want from 2015

Hey!! Remember me?! 
I know, I know. It's been so long and I've missed you terribly!

I've been so busy with working 2 jobs, personal life, reading, seeing friends and family, and enjoying the holidays that I haven't left much time to write. 

I feel bad about that. I love to write and share here, and I hope people enjoy reading it. I'm going to try to get back on a better writing schedule starting as soon as I can!

So, without further blabbing, here it is. 
What I want from 2015

At risk of this sound like a big dumb list of resolutions, I'm going to share anyway. This is some of what I want for myself and I'm at a point that I really need to start doing things because they make me happy, give me confidence, benefit my life and fill my days with joy. 

1. Find myself
I like to think that in some ways I know who I am and what I want, but there is still a lot to know. I need to learn to be alone and happy while I am. I need to have more direction. More positivity and self love. 

2. Go on more adventures
Some large, some small. Culinary adventures, travel, adventures in my mind. 

3. Stop waiting
Life is happening right here, right now. No matter how long we stand still it happens all around us. It's time to be part of it. I spend to much time hoping and wishing and lusting and chasing.  If I want something, I'm going to go after it. 

4. Less and More
I have just now come to a point where I enjoy reading and I want to continue. I'd like to spend less time with my phone/iPad/laptop and more timing reading. It can be equally distracting and consuming, but it also brings a different kind of joy. 

5. Outdoorsy
On a similar note, I want to spend less time inside and more time out in the world. I'm going to find all the best parts of the city I live in and use them to my benefit. Walking trails, events, patios...

6. Fitness
Let's be honest. I've always hated sports. And beyond not liking them, I've just never been interested. More recently though I've started to like a few. Boxing mostly. I'm going to start again and this time I want to spar with other people. I also still want to try ballet barre, aerial yoga, and silks. And maybe, just maybe, I'll finally try tennis... 

7. Meet more people
It's been far to long since I made an effort to talk to people or meet anyone new. It's probably time to branch out. Having recently started a new job, I'm off to a good start on this one!

8. Minimize
Remember a while back when I talked about minimizing? Well, I've gotten a bit off track but I'm still very attracted to the idea. Clutter irritates me, excess stuff is always in the way... Solution? Have less! Especially clothes. I would like to whittle down more wardrobe by about half. Ideally. 

9. $€£¥
I realize that almost looks like I wrote "sexy" ... I didn't. 
In a nut shell, it's time to get my savings back up there. If for no other reason than to spend it all on another trip. Which isn't a guarantee, but I want to be able to do what I want without money holding me back. 

10. More time blogging
I know I've been gone for a while now, but I still love this blog. I can't really explain what it does for me, but it's great. I feel like I can be exactly who I want to be, I can say what I want, share things and just generally express myself. It's a really great place for me. 
The point is, I'm going to make more time to write and share. And I hope you will continue to enjoy reading and if you do, please share this space with more people. 

Happy New Year!! 


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