Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 in Review

I decide that I wanted to make a little review of my year and share it with you.

So, what happened this year?

I turned 21, and spent my first birthday away from home, family and friends. I also spent my first Christmas, Halloween and thanksgivings away.

I've seen 7 new countries. The Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Denmark.

Chad and I have been 'Chad and I' for over 4.5 years now! (I'm sure he must be sick of me.)

When I left home to come to Europe, my little brother also moved out. This left the nest empty. Those are thrilled parents. (Secretly they want us all back, I'm sure)

Coming to Europe also meant starting my work as an Au Pair in a home outside Athens, Greece where I stayed for 3 months. An 'Au Pair', for anyone who doesn't know, is a glorified babysitter or a nanny, depending on the situation. I was working with 2 little boys. 6 year old Aris and 8 year old Alexandros. You can look forward to hearing more about that later in a post all it's own.

I lost almost 40 pounds! Hard work and self control got me there. Eating healthy and running 5 days/week, Pilates 3-4 days and yoga once.
Unfortunately some of those pounds I lost have found me again. Europe offers some delicious food.....

I became a red seal certified hairstylist! I no longer wear the title of apprentice! That was a wonderful day when I found out!!!

Now, I'm sure I've missed a lot, but these were some major things and some highlights.

How was your year?


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