
Monday, June 2, 2014

Dear Me: 20-21

Well, here it is. Some of the best times of your life (to date) are coming up. You aren't doing too much of anything exciting through the year, some small travels maybe, that's fine though. All that money you are saving by not going out is going towards the trip. THE TRIP!

It's been a dream forever and it's finally happening. My main piece of advice about it, stay as long as possible. See everything. Meet people. Try the local food. Branch out away from the tourist traps. Every experience is one to be treasured and learned from. And worry less about the cost, you've worked so hard saving for this and you have plenty more than enough. 

Europe is the most amazing place. Every country, every city even, has something new to offer. Foods, markets, people, shops, history..
I have a request, though. See more of Greece. Get out of the house more, explore more of Athens, take the train through the mainland and island hop as much as possible. You belong near the sea. And if you aren't happy in the house, you don't HAVE to fight it. Leave early, nothing is stopping you and I promise not to get mad. Be gentle with the kids though, every person is simply a product of their environment. Remember that. 
Oh, and plan for more time at Pompeii.. I won't spoil the adventure, but you should trust me. 

Unfortunately it all has to end eventually. I'll never forget the look on Dads face when I arrived home though. 
Being home is a hard adjustment. To pout to much. You are so fortunate to have travelled as much as you have. Not even just with this trip. Canadian maritime, Arizona, Montana, Dakotas, California, Nevada, West coast Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan and now so much of Europe. Just keep reliving these memories until it's time to make more. 

I'd love to post all 6000 pictures, but that just seems unrealistic. These few are just a tiny taste.
But now is the time to be an adult. Get a job, get an apartment and stay still for a bit. Not to long though.
Check this one out for more trip goodness!

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