
Saturday, June 7, 2014

The last minute expo; Eek! Fest

For the first time, St Albert has it's own Comic and Pop Culture expo this year. 
Chad and I weren't planning on going because we expected it to be quite small, and frankly a but lacklustre. We were wrong. 
We bought our tickets on Wednesday to attend on Saturday, that's how dedicated we were to not going, but then something awesome happened. I was looking on twitter to see if anyone knew when guest announcements are starting for the Edmonton Expo in September and something just caught my eye. 
"Eek! Comic and pop culture expo is thrilled to welcome @amellywood this weekend!" 
@amellywood = Stephen Amell = Arrow

And then I started squealing and freaking out. In a mature adult way... Or something.......

Chad and I are huge fans of Arrow. If you don't know, "Arrow" is "Green Arrow" from DC Comics. The show airs on Wednesdays on the CW. You should watch it. Season 3 starts this fall. (The Flash also starts this fall and I'm equally excited about that!)

Moving on. Right then and there, still in bed, only awake because of excitement, I bought us tickets to the expo. There was no way I was going to miss out on seeing/potentially meeting Stephen Amell. 

I decided against dressing up for this one because we weren't really sure how big it would be, if anyone else was going to go, if there would be any other costumes, etc.. 
I must say, I felt like it was totally different to attend a con in normal street clothes. Generally speaking, costumes kind of take over everything for me. In a good way..

Friday night before the show we were looking online to see if any thing had changed or been added and we found ourselves looking at more tickets. Advanced tickets for autographs, photos or both. We went for both. Obviously!

Finally, the day of. We went early to exchange our tickets for wristbands and to see what we could see. For a start, it was pretty tiny compared to our usual conventions, but we knew that already. Otherwise it was pretty decent. A big guest, artists, panels, costume contests, different vendors.. This one also had the Alberta Lego Users (club/group/association?) and that was pretty cool. They had several tables set up displaying the work they have done. Meaning, the super cool stuff they have built. My personal favorite was the Harry Potter set!

We didn't spend much time browsing before we had to go get in line. First was the photo op line, which led, obviously, to our photo with Stephen. When that was done we waited around to get the photo printed. Shortly after that we headed down to get in another line for autographs. We had our moment with him, got a few things signed and then it was done. 
I was about ready to fall asleep by this point so we just sat and waited for the panel to start. Like most panels it had a Q&A session. 
My favorite question? "Can you take your shirt off?" 
He replied with "I'm on vacation. Next Month!"

And that was pretty much it. We did a bit more shopping and then left in search of sushi. 
Our next Expo is Animethon in August (my first time going to this one!) and Edmonton Expo in September. 
I can't wait!


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