
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dear me; 18

Another new journey is starting for you. High school is over and college is starting. Legal adulthood, new responsibilities and lots of hangovers. Please feel free to skip that last part though. Pony pitchers of vodka slime are not your friend.
College is a great time for you. It may just be the first time you'll make new friends since junior high school. It's also the perfect outlet for your creativity and you finally start to show how smart you are again! It's a good feeling to know that you are doing something you are good at. 

Don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You have the talent, skill and drive. Keep learning every technique you can and practice as much as possible. 
However, salons are not really the place for you so check inside every door and take as many opportunities as possible. Build a clientele and work for yourself, work for a distributor, be an educator.. There are so many options. 

On another note, if you can go out partying on school nights, you could probably be working more and getting school paid off. Just a thought. But you should definitely live a little too. Spend plenty of time with friends, it's important. 
With that said, the faster you pay off school the sooner you can save and do more of what you want!

And within this same year, you are done college. New knowledge, new friends, trips and adventures. This was a great year. And so many more great years are up ahead. 

Since I haven't mentioned it yet, I'd also like to ask that you get your drivers license. ASAP.
Later on you will wish you did sooner. I promise. Getting around isn't to hard anyway, but so many more jobs will be available if you can drive. 

Spending time with family is so important too. The family reunion will make great memories. Mud wrestling is good for the soul. 
Really good. 

And yes, my hair is a different color and length in almost every picture, I couldn't help myself. 

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