
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Green thumb

Lately I've been having a bit of a plant obsession. I'm loving the idea of having some greenery around the apartment and having a container garden of useful veggies is great too!
Chad found this kits, possibly meant for children, but we couldn't really resist. You get everything you need to start the seeds. Recycled egg carton to grow in, soil, seeds and tags so mark what is growing in each cup.
We bought to kits. Veggies and evening flowers.

My vegetable kit has carrots, summer squash, mini watermelons, radish, green beans and cucumber.
And my favorite part, it took barely 1 week to go from this..
To this!
I'm also attempting to grow an avocado tree. By all accounts it is very simple, you just have to be patient. it can take 3-15 years to ever produce fruit, if it happens at all. I don't really mind though. As much as I would love to pick and eat my own fresh home grown avocado, it will be nice to have the tree around anyway.
If you wanted to try your hand at avocado growing as well, here's how -->
I have a few more trees, all store bought so they are bigger already and the have tiny fruit already!
This one is a mandarin orange tree. 

And this guy is a dwarf Meyer lemon tree. It even has a golf ball sized lemon already!

The last tree is one we got last year and brought inside over the winter. It seems to me that it was thriving more inside than it is outside now. I blame the *pot* smoking neighbours on their balcony. Damn humans!

For something a little different and to have some smaller plants inside, not just on the balcony, I got a cactus! I like it a lot. 

I also got a succulent. An Echeveria. It's cute and tiny and needs minimal care. 

Then I got 3 more cacti... I couldn't resist. They were just so pretty and colourful! And I feel that it's super unlikely I will kill them. Win-win in my book. 

And that's all. For now anyway. I'm planning to grow a few more things. I want lettuce and dill for sure, and maybe spinach as well. I wanted zucchini too but Chad says we don't have space. Party pooper.
Anyway, until next time. 

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