
Monday, May 19, 2014

Calgary comic expo finale; day 4

Last night after the show had ended we ventured out to one of the expo after parties with some other people from our hostel. It turned out to be much less party then we expected and we just went for dinner instead. 

For our fourth and final day at the show we had to fit in all the things we had yet to do. 
I wore my Yuna costume from last year again. 

We met Lindsay Elyse. She is a "professional" cosplayer and model. 

Took more pictures of awesome costumes while shopping and checking out art. I got a hat and T-shirt from one place and slytherin striped socks from another. 

Punk sailor scouts.

I've seen this one before. More than once. I still like it anyway though. And I've decided its a woman under there. That's actually one of the things I really love. Deciding what gender is hiding under the costumes that have people 100% covered. 

Chad in his " costume" hanging out with the super cool Spiderman car. 

One of the many things to see outside was the Viking camp. These guys and gals do this anyway, but they brought their whole camp, costumes, weapons and awesome talents to the show to share with everyone. I don't know to much about them but they seem to be very authentic. And they just look generally awesome.

To finish the show off we went to one last panel. The cosplay guests and the professor we saw before talked about getting into cosplay, favorite costumes, and anything else the audience asked about.

And that was it. It's all over now. 

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