
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Spring; love and lust

Pastel colours, Easter, budding flowers, light rain and sunshine, puddles, t-shirts, outdoor runs and all the fresh bright feelings that come with the pretty package that is spring. 
For me, these are some of my favorite parts of spring. Unfortunately they live only in my head for now. As I write this, it is officially about a week into spring (you will likely be reading this AT LEAST a few days later) and our spring gift was a big dump of snow and falling temperatures. I've had enough!!
As a rebellion, I've been wearing skirts and bright colours anyway. The calendar says it's spring, so spring it shall be, snow and all. I also had high hopes that I would be able to run outside again soon, and I would have been able to before this nasty weather flip.

These are a few things I've been loving, or lusting after in my Spring state of mind. 

Converse! I've wanted a pair for a long time and I finally decided that I would go and at least try them on. I bought the adorable pastel polka dot pair and I've already got my sights on a few others. Particularly white, mint and purple. 

Coloured khakis. Easy wearing, fun colours and somehow just lovely. These ones are from GAP. 

Plaid/tartan is a huge love of mine all year round, just the colours change. Right now I'm seriously in love with the colourful pastel one here. It's from Roots.

Braids and flower crowns. I don't have a crown, but I will. As soon as I find the one for me it will be living very firmly on my head. Maybe wrapped around a braid crown..? And the perhaps I will also stay barefoot and live in a field of flowers. Yes?

Now, not everything I like is pink and whimsical, my real love at the moment is quite a bit darker. It's Game of Thrones. I cannot get enough. I will watch it morning, noon and night given the chance. I read about it in magazines, watch the show and occasionally stalk it on Pinterest and Instagram. Any day now I will start reading the books too. In case you are wondering why the books didn't come first, I'm not a huge reader in my everyday life. 
If we are being honest, I've watched season 1&2 again within the last week and will be starting season 3 right away so I'm fully prepared for season 4 when it arrives on April 6. 

And while we are on the honesty train, I have a huge crush on this man..
His new movie Pompeii is so so good. You should see it for sure. 

Happy Spring! 

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