
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dear me : 15

Oh, to be fifteen again. It was such a great year.
Grade 10, high school. 
You've pretty much been boy crazy forever, but this year you get to be in love. Maybe for other people it's silly or not real, you are only 15 after all. But don't listen to them. It's love. He will help make you who you are, give you confidence and never judge you for being you. Be as happy as you can anytime you can. Unfortunately for your young fragile heart, he isn't going to work out. You will cry and feel sorry for yourself and let your time slip away while you do it. There is no shame in being upset but don't drag it out. I sincerely promise that it will get better and there will be someone else. 
On this same train, the way to feel better is to be with your girlfriends having fun, enjoying the company, doing better in your classes. Being on a constant search for the next boy won't help. Be patient. (Chad) will be there soon enough.  

There are a few classes that you like and a few that you aren't taking that might be good. Firstly, pay close attention in photography, continue doing fashions and food, pay attention and keep going with biology and take up chemistry. Maybe math too? It's never been our strong subject (and never will be I'm sorry to say) but maybe try a touch harder... 
Consider all your options, consider what you really want to do with your life. Don't look at how long a course will take or how much it will cost, it will be worth it if it's the career you want. Plus, I'll tell you a secret. When high school is over and you are taking a course because you want to, it's not only easier, but also enjoyable!
It certainly wouldn't hurt to take up more extracurriculars too. You have plenty of wasted time after school, you might as well use it. Having a job already is great though. Even though dishes suck, it's money in your pocket. Suck it up. 

And now for the best part, the embarrassing photos.


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