
Friday, March 21, 2014

The feast of Asia

It's no secret that chad and I love Asian food, Japanese especially.

We recently had a little feast of homemade goodness and I'm going to share it with you. Please keep in mind that we are not trained to cook Asian cuisine, nor do we have family to learn from. We just go. We use ingredients that appeal to us, and we use them in ways we like. I don't imagine either of us will be working at a sushi bar anytime soon...

Anyway, here it is. 

Onigiri with 2 fillings
We made 3 cups of sticky rice in our rice cooker and made up 2 different fillings to stuff the rice with. First, strips of steak with a carribean spice blend. Why carribean when we are making Asian??? Because... Why not?!
Second, canned salmon with dill and lemon. 

Fresh spring rolls filled with carrots, cucumber, tomato and more salmon. They were super tasty. 

And some mochi for dessert. We love mochi. I could eat it morning noon and night, on frozen yogurt, plain, with a filling, with ice cream.. It doesn't matter, I just love it. 
If you have never had mochi I suggest you go find some right now and try it. It's subtly sweet and has the softest texture, almost like a marshmallow, but not... Have I ever mentioned I also adore marshmallows?

Anyway, writing this made me hungry so I'll be off to lunch. 


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