
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cosplay; Yuna

For my costume this time I didn't take pictures of the process like I did before, mostly because I got so into it that I forgot... And because some pieces were made more than once, were complicated or didn't take much work.
A major difference between this process and the last is that Garnet was made of pieces that just needed to be slightly altered and put together, for this one everything is made by hand from scratch with the exception of the shorts which are cut off hemmed pants. 

I actually made the hood and top in the spring when I finished making my last costume and then put them away for when I was ready to do the rest of the costume. That original top didn't end up making the cut and I made an entirely new one from scratch. I absolutely love the new one and I must say, I'm pretty impressed that it looks as good as it does considering I didn't use a pattern. A bra is attached to the inside of the shirt, 2 separate panels of lace are attached the the bottom and there is a zipper down the back.  The hood was pretty simple once I figured it out. I chose a sweater from my closet with a hood shape I liked and stared at it for a bit until I could make it in my head, then made it for real. The detail on the chest is cut out of craft foam, painted and glued on.

The hip pouch was made 3 different time because I wasn't satisfied with the first 2, it was then altered twice after I finished it. The point is, I got there eventually. 
The half skirt was also made twice. I originally used blue fabric and intended on bleaching the ends, but the color wouldn't lift out. When that didn't work I made the skirt anyway out of the solid blue fabric and just added the white lace to the bottom. Then I hated it. Finally I figured it out. Buy white fabric and blue dye. Ding ding ding! 
The 3 pieces were cut and through some trials I figured out how to get a somewhat decent color fade happening. Rinse, dry, sew, sew, sew. Add the lace trim and then finally done. 

The arm bands were quite simple and pretty quick. Once they were cut and sew to the size I wanted, I hole punched them and put in eyelets. The eyelets get laced with black cord and that's all. Done.
The blue thing in my hair (that obviously didn't get photographed much) is a string of beads, some of which I hand painted to look right and blue synthetic hair. Not to hard to make, harder to figure out how to attach. In the end I just used a clip from hair extensions.

Lastly, one of the more challenging pieces. The long braid of fabric wrapped hair.. The character is meant to have a section of crazy long hair that is wrapped in fabric and only the very ends show. I obviously don't have hair quite that long so mine is scrap fabric rolled up, wrapped in more fabric, sewn up a bit so it doesn't unwrap, hair extensions wrapped around the very bottom, another piece of fabric to cover that and the tied with a black cord. This wasn't the hard part. The hard part was trying to figure out how I would be able to wear it. It turned out surprisingly heavy and therefore couldn't be attached to my head or neck. In the end it was tied to the shirt straps in the back and covered by the good. 

Please don't ask. I was fooling around and Chad took the
 picture anyway... It turned out to be the only picture that showed the back of the costume...

And that is all. I hope you enjoy!!

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