
Monday, October 7, 2013

Edmonton Comic Expo 2013

I was beyond excited about going to my second comic con and looked forward to it for such a long time. It's an environment I really like, I love to dress up and I love that it's a giant room full of dork's that have something in common. Letting the inner dork out without any judgement is pretty cool too.... I'm not really sure when this happened to me.. but it makes me so excited!

The show didn't disappoint. Most of the vendors we saw in Calgary, but this just meant we didn't spend money at this show. Except on food...

We went to 2 panels and the costume contest and other than that, spent the whole of both days walking around the halls, taking pictures, trying things on, considering buying stuff and meeting people.

Some of those people we met were Holly Conrad and Jessica Merizan. Cosplay celebrities I suppose you would call them. The costumes they wore were amazing! We also tried hard to meet Jessica Nigri, but failed. She was surrounded at all times by teenage fan boys... not surprising really.

One of my favorite things though, from this show and from Calgary, is playing dress up at one of  the corset booths. One day I will have one!!

Snake tamer, Dani! Or something like that.. I'll take snakes over spiders any day. 
Chad however would not. He was super brave and held this snake too though.

The cutest family costumes. Bane, Harley Quinn and baby Batman. You can kind of see in front of them is a kiddie car with a handle to push it, it was painted as the bat mobile. So cute.

Lulu, another Final Fantasy character. Her costume was awesome.

Pretty much any group of cosplayers that involve children are big winners. That little Mr. Freeze is so cute. And the tanks on his back for his freeze gun are made of 2L pop bottles. Clever.

And the Hello Kitty samurai.. I think it is a man, but I can't be sure. "It" has someone who walks around and talks on it's behalf. Awesome costume though. 

I can't wait for the next con and I'm already working on another costume!!! See you in April, Calgary!

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