
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Western Canada Fashion Week

So, after wanting to go for 4 years now, I finally made it to the hair/make-up/beauty night at WCFW.
There is meant to be a competition for each category. I was going mostly for the fantasy hair competition, but the rest of the show would be good to see as well. The website said the show is $25 and would run from 8-10:30pm.
This time frame and price includes seeing:
2 clothing lines
Fantasy hair competition
Fantasy make-up competition
Fantasy costume competition
2 shows from previous competition winners
2 shows from make-up/aesthetic schools

What actually happened:
Show runs from 8-8:40 then intermission, then 9-9:30 then it's over...
2 clothing lines
1 make-up school
2 shows from previous winners

It is fair and safe to say that I am hugely disappointed. I honestly wouldn't have spent the money on the ticket if I knew I wouldn't see any of what I actually went for.

On top of that, when we arrived at the building early to buy our tickets only a small front area was open. That's fine because we were there before doors opened. Once we got inside the main area (not the show space) we went to line up with everyone else to go get seats in the show room, a perfectly normal thing to do. We Canadians like our nice polite line-ups. A woman (who we later found out was the MC) came out, looked right at my friend and I who were front of the line and said "because you are the front I'm not letting you in until very last."
Needless to say, I was not happy. I arrived early and paid for a ticket. I'm in line like everyone else. I want to choose my seat and hope it's a good one just like everyone else. Grrr..
Anyway, I went to a different door and still got in first.... not that first is the most important thing, but when you arrive early and pay and wait you should have a good selection of seats.

Beyond all that, I barely enjoyed any of the show. This is very unfortunate for me.
The 2 previous winners did good shows. The make-up winner especially had an excellent concept and show. The other winner, which I think was also (make-up?) did a decent show, but the hair bothered me because it was all fake and basically didn't incorporate the models real hair at all. One girl was even wearing a baseball cap with a hair piece over it... not sure we were supposed to see the hat.....

Anyway, WCFW, I'd like to come back next year, in fact, I would like to be in the hair competition next year, but for that to happen you will need to get your shit together.


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