
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Color on Color.. and some running

Today was the day. My 5K run that I felt totally unprepared for.

Color Me Rad is a 5 kilometre run that is more for fun than to be competitive. In fact, I feel pretty safe saying that a good chunk of the participants aren't actually runners. Just people that like a god time... does that sound dirty..?

Basically, everyone dresses in mostly white and goes to run. Every 1 kilometre there are people waiting to throw "color bombs" at us. The color bombs are brightly colored packs of powder (corn starch) and the effect is thrilling. One station even had colored water to spray at everyone!

Last year I was running between 1 and 5 miles five days of the week. Since being home from Europe I've only been doing 1-2 miles about 2 or 3 times per week. This pretty much sums up my feelings of being unprepared. That being said, I kicked this races ass!! Ran the whole thing with no walk breaks. I felt pretty good. And being brightly colored just seems to have a way of lifting spirits.

ANYWAY, I'll just let the pictures tell the real story.

After the run, color bombs flying

Notice the stained hands.. sexy

Having done laundry now, I can tell you that my socks did not
go back to white and neither did my top. 
Fine by me.

At the start line these were white. Now they look like candy. 
(Not recommended for eating though)

It's like tan lines, but instead of brown it's rainbow!!!!

If you want to know more about the race or if it's coming to your city, check here.

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