
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sunshine and Summertime

Lately we've been having some pretty crazy weather here and even more so in southern Alberta. Nearly as soon as we cleared winter forest fires started popping up. After that we had rain, rain and more rain. Tornado warnings. (Scary business. One even touched down.) And most recently is the flash flooding. Many cities were put in a state of emergency and plenty of people had to be evacuated. I count myself lucky for being unaffected but feel for everyone that is.

Now, it finally looks like summer. Hot sunny days. Mosquito's everywhere. Shorter shorts and sandals.
It's the little things.

On top of everything else, my favorite thing about summer and the thing I'm most looking forward to in camping. None of this 'glamping' stuff either. I mean real old fashioned camping. Surrounded by mountains, sleeping on the hard ground in a tent, everything smelling like camp fire and good simple food. I must admit though, a little girly camping trip could be fun..
Chad and I go somewhere every July and 3 of the 4 trips have been camping. This is year 5 and I'm hoping we can go again. Unfortunatly it won't likely be to my favorite spot because it's flooded..

I guess I have to consider the rain stopping as an extra good thing because it also gives me no excuse to not run... I have a 5K race this weekend and haven't prepared nearly enough. I'm pretty excited for it anyway since I'll have colored powder thrown at me while I run. Yay rainbows!!

This week has been pretty hot here. Feeling like mid to high thirties (Celsius) with humidity. This best way I can see to beat the heat is swimming. I got to break in my new bikini today and it was awesome! Chad doesn't seem to think putting a kiddie-pool out on the balcony is a good idea so we headed over to a proper pool in town. 
I'm much more of a lake/river/ocean kinda gal now that I'm older. I loved the pool when I was younger because it was close, convenient and fun. Some of that appeal seems to be gone now that I'm being splashed and kicked instead of being the terrible obnoxious one.... Either way, a great escape from the heat and a little extra exercise in my day. 


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