
Thursday, July 11, 2013


Our little house is finally coming together and starting to look more like a home.

Besides all the things my grandparents brought for us, we have also gotten to the point of hanging pictures and decorating. It's safe to say that it's pretty random still and that very little actually goes with anything else, but I don't mind.

We have table and chairs to eat on, patio furniture for the balcony, dishes, T.V, my desk and plenty of other useful things. We are, however, still missing a few important pieces. The dresser for the living room (this will be the home of DVD's, game's and other living room stuff.) and the dresser for Chad's drawers that are currently living on the bedroom floor...

Living in a condo doesn't leave huge amounts of space for separate purposes so I'm planning on making the spare room very multi purpose. I do my make-up in there because the bathroom has no natural light. I have my desk in there and all my crafting/DIY stuff and Chad has his miscellaneous pile of things with no homes. Most recently I've decided I'd like to add some gym bits into the mix. Free weights, balance ball, bands.. small things. When trying to live healthier and more active, having stuff at home is important.

Outside of the spare bedroom, most areas are doing well on the organized livable front. It's pretty much just the living room area that still needs quite a bit of work. We can do everything in there but we have no shelves or anything to put movies, music, books, etc. on. The coffee table that is being used as a TV stand does the job but could be better and we still have a pile of boxes in there as well.

Spare room disaster!

Golden throne, anyone?? 

Being my first time moving out it has been a big thing to adjust to but I think I'm getting there. It would be nice to have my kitty over here with me, but I can't and that's life.
Do you remember the first time you were 'out of the nest?'


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