
Monday, May 2, 2016

12km Hike

To celebrate the beautiful weather we've been having lately Ryan and I decided to spend our Sunday out hiking through nature. 12km of grassy, sun-soaked trails in +22C 

We weren't sure if we would actually go the whole 12km or if we'd end up turning back part-way. We are talking about doing a 5km run together in the summer though and I want to be able to run 10km by fall-time so long walks help a bit with the conditioning.

Ryan kept getting excited about noises in the trees, thinking we might see some animals, of course that didn't happen. I might start to think we repel all the animals.. We did spot one tiny frog though, before he hopped away.

The highlight, hands down, was the quicksand. I had no idea we even had quicksand in Alberta!! We were laughing about it and saying we both imagined it to only be in jungles.. I guess we were wrong. These particular pits of quicksand were completely dried up due to our lack or moisture. Just to say we did, the two of us walked confidently across them and didn't get sucked in. Not even close. If we ever get rain, enough to real soak everything, I might have to go back and check out these pits again.

Very near by we also found this little area of bones. They do look a bit like they were placed there, but I liked it anyways. Especially the jaw with teeth. Bison??

Being outside, getting my vitamin D, exercise and fresh air was great. When we walk Ryan and I always have great conversations, learn more about each other and make plans for future dates. The top conversation spot for this walk goes to video games though. We had lots of good laughs about the games we used to play and decided we should try to get our hands on them again now so we can have a face-off!

More adventures are coming soon!

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