
Thursday, April 28, 2016

I Want To Ride My Bicycle

I've been telling myself for a while now that I wanted to get a bike. I haven't ridden since elementary, or maybe junior high school and I thought it was time to get back out there and I finally did it!!

It happened to be quite cold and I was busy with a lot for about 3 days after I brought it home and all I could think about was how much I wanted to ride and couldn’t. It actually worked out ok though because in the time I was waiting to be able to ride Ryan also bought himself a bike and now we can enjoy them together!

The bike I found is a Schwinn Sanctuary 7 and I absolutely love it!!
Ryan and I have been cruising all around the area where we live and we've found some really great spots. Last night we even spotted 2 beavers working on their dams!

We also stumbled on an old overgrown campground within the city, I think it would have been a really awesome places before the city grew around it.

I was a bit concerned when I bought my bike that I wouldn't be able to ride it, or at very least it would end with a few scraped knees. Much to my surprise, and pleasure, it really is quite easy. You know what they say, "It's like riding a bicycle," well, it really is.

I'm happy and confident while riding around and all the little benefits keep me excited! Exercise, getting outside, fun and exploration.

Riding around has become one of my favorite things to do. I try to convince Ryan almost every day that we should go out, rain or shine. And one of these days I'm going to strap my picnic basket on the back of my bike and have the most charming bicycle picnic!

I think we will be taking the bikes camping and to BC this summer when we go. I'm pretty excited to cruise around the coast and around the national parks. The summer is looking good!

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