
Wednesday, January 20, 2016


As I do every year, I’m going to do a little review of last year’s goals and also set some new ones for 2016.

In 2015 I planned to:
-Get a better sense of who I am, what I want, etc..
I would mostly qualify this one as a success. I discovered a desire to pursue nursing as a career.

-Take more adventures
I definitely get a passing grade on this one. I finally got to Hawaii, re-visited Nova Scotia, went to the mountains and the lake, explored my city and so much more.

-Stop waiting
Meaning: grab more opportunities and make life happen. I think I did this, especially in the job department.

-Less phone, more reading.
Fail, fail, fail!! I would still like to use my phone less, but after January I hardly picked up a book at all!!

-Get outdoors
A+ (See adventures)

-Work on my fitness
I would give this one a C- … I did run in the summer and I’ve done some hiking, but generally speaking I wasn’t even close to where I wanted to be.

-Meet new people
Considering I started a new relationship and a new job, this one I did pretty well at!

-Minimize my belongings
I have certainly shrunk down from what I did have, but I still have more than I would prefer.

-Save $$$
I spent 4 months not working, and in that time I was doing quite a bit of travelling and therefore I spent a LOT, but when I started working again I got back on track very quickly. Another trip is in sight!!

-More blogging
I’m sad to say, I didn’t do nearly as well as I wanted. Some months were really good and others were non-existent…


As for 2016, I have some big plans for myself this year!
  1. FINALLY go to Iceland. I’ve been thinking about this trip since before I got home from Europe in 2013.
  2. Start doing yoga again. I was once doing it 7 days/week and I loved that.
  3. Find a job that is “permanent”
  4. Continue to minimize my belongings
  5. Save $$$$
  6. Take a trip alone
  7. Go on more NEW adventures. Example: I’ve been to Jasper a million times, I’ve been to Banff multiple times and somehow I’ve never been to Canmore. Go new places.
  8. Learn to scuba dive. Another long time goal.
  9. Be less concerned about getting dirty! I want to kneel on the ground to take pictures, sit in the grass and climb a tree without considering the sap.
  10. Slow down. I do everything so rapidly that I often miss the point. Eat slower, take my time with projects, walk the pace of everyone else. Life is not a race.
It will be A+ all around this year!

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