
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2015 Recap

This past year I experienced the joy of some of my highest highs and survived the pain and heartache of my lowest lows.
I lost someone that meant so much to me.
I found someone new who brings me so much renewed happiness.
I discovered things and made new goals for myself.
Many adventures were had.
So much heartache and so much love, hand in hand.

January -
January brought about some big changes. I met Ryan. I spent my time outside of work getting to know him. We explored the city at night and went right to breakfast in the morning.
I booked a trip to Hawaii with my friends, no need for a second thought.

February -
Ryan and I spent Valentine's Day together. I got a camera. This was the beginning of what's is now one of our favorite hobbies, exploring and photographing.
We go out day and night to see what we can capture. Edmonton's skyline, the Muttart Conservatory, St. Albert..
At the end of the month I took a leave from both my jobs and went to Jasper with Ryan for the weekend.

March -
Back from Jasper I took that Hawaii trip. An absolutely amazing trip , I've wanted to go to Hawaii since I was 9 years old.
Back from Hawaii, I moved out of my condo and put everything in storage.
Next, I said my good-byes again and left for Regina where I would be living for the foreseeable future.

April -
Life in Regina is rewarding but also stressful and difficult. I spend time with family, write my blog and finally start running again.
Every few weeks I drive the 4 hours to North Battleford to meet Ryan for the weekend and we continue to have new adventures.
We find abandoned homes, a functioning lighthouse, a beach and playground.

May -
Things get more difficult in Regina. I am as helpful as I can be but I'm not really as tough as I pretend to be.
I take a weekend trip back to Edmonton to see friends and family, also to get a few things ready for my next upcoming trip.
Ryan and I visit Fort Edmonton Park, one of my favorite places.

June -
I now spend all day everyday at the hospital. I'm the visitor not the patient but I think that just makes it scarier for me.
I learn a lot from my time there and discover something new. I want to be a nurse.
Leaving now is the least ideal timing, but it's time to drive home to fly to Nova Scotia with Ryan, a trip we've been planning for a few months.
2 perfect weeks are spent exploring the coast, meeting Ryan's friends and family, eating seafood and just generally enjoying life. Also, became obsessed with sea glass..

July -
The beginning of the July is really busy. I start working again for the first time since march.
Ryan and I swim in lakes, walk the river valley, play mini golf and bowl, go to Jurassic forest, the Devonian Botanic garden and check out markets.
July 23 - The most amazing woman is lost. My best friend, mentor, vacation buddy and the person who always picks up the phone when I need an ear. Grama.
My life ends for a while as I try to cope and understand.

August -
Life must now continue and I find distractions to be very comforting.
My friends, Ryan and I go camping in Jasper. We hike, swim and explore via canoe.
Return to Regina.
I took Ryan to Regina Beach, another of my favorite places. Who knew you could find sea glass on the beach of a freshwater lake???
Back in Edmonton we almost mastered to Corn Maze. Almost.
After 5 years I finally cut my hair. 10 inches to be sent to the Canadian Cancer Society.

September -
A visit to Drumheller to see the Dinosaurs, Hoodoos and the museum.
I left both of my jobs again, this time to start a new one. A good one.

October -
A visit to the pumpkin patch where I chose exactly what I wanted and picked it right off the vine. I also carved that pumpkin far to early in the month.
I turned 24. I am solidly in my "mid" 20's.
Another visit to Regina to visit my Grampa.
On Halloween while I was running around with friends playing hide-and-seek covered in fake blood my nephew was born. I am now an Auntie x3!!

November -
Ryan and I begin the search for an apartment together.
Christmas events start to kick-off around the city and we make our way out to see a few.

December -
Moving in to the new place takes up a lot of my time when I'm not working.
Ryan and I make hand-made Christmas cards for our families.
I build and awesome Lighthouse gingerbread house for work. It does not win the competition.
Christmas gifts were mostly made instead of purchased this year.
After looking and looking for the entire year Ryan finally gets to see the Northern Lights.

Happy New Year!!

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