
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Yoga challenge

By now you should know that I'm not really someone who does much of anything just part way. I go full force and jump right in. 

Currently I'm into yoga. I've been doing it for 4 years and I've always loved it, but I've been on a rather long break from it. The studio that Chad and I were going to changed owners, classes, etc.. And so we stopped going for a while. And then that 'while' turned into months... 

But now, thanks to an awesome Groupon, I'm back! 2 months unlimited yoga for $60!! You really can't beat that. 

Lotus Soul Yoga is the studio I'm calling home at the moment. They have great teachers, good class times, an awesome studio space and lots of variation in classes. I've learner more poses in the last week than I have in the past 4 years. I feel challenged every time I go, in the best way. I learned headstand already!

We have decided to make a challenge out of our passes. Go everyday unless it's not possible. And if that's the case, make up for it by going an extra time the next day. I just finished day 9 and I'm feeling pretty awesome. To clarify, we are going everyday for 25 days, taking a break and then starting again. 

To add to this challenge, I'm also cutting out alcohol 100% for the duration of the challenge. And maybe longer, who knows. I'm not a big drinker to begin with since it adds nothing to my life so I don't think this will be difficult. I'm hoping it will just be an extra little benefit. 

An aspect that is a bit more challenging though; bed. I'm trying to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier; all the while making sure I get enough good sleep. It's slow, but I'm getting better!

My brother asked me if I'm turning into a hippy. It actually made me laugh because I don't see myself in that stereotype at all. And then I thought about it and decided that maybe I should be. It means I don't have to brush my hair right??!

Yoga is a great workout in a class environment, more exciting that a gym or treadmill, more engaging than a solo run, it works the entire body, builds flexibility and allows for mental peace (if only for the 60-90 minutes of class.) 

If you've never done yoga I highly recommend it. 
Come join me in class!

Check for your local deals. They have some real winners!

And if you live in the Edmonton area and are interest in checking them out. With 3 studios and great schedules I'm sure you can find one convenient to you.  

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