
Monday, September 8, 2014

The purge to simplicity

As I mentioned in my last post I've had a bit of a stuff purge recently. I was only planning to clean out my closet but after giving it some thought I just couldn't stop. 

These things are just that, things. All of these clothes (that I don't wear anymore!) are not adding value to my life, all of the unused bits in the linen closet, bathroom and kitchen aren't benefitting me in any way. I'm not talking about the character pieces, souvenirs or decorative bits either, I mean, why should a household of only 2 people have 15+ bath towels? On the other end though, I don't feel the need to have frames or trinkets covering every surface either. 

Since the purge I've been trying to rally my whole life around some simple ideas. Stuff is just stuff. I want things in my home/closet/life that make my happy, give a feeling of fulfillment and add beauty to my days. 

To get more specific, clothes that don't make me feel good for any reason, are not needed. If it doesn't fit I don't need it. If I feel self conscious wearing it, I don't need it. It's pretty simple. I DO NOT need 15 pairs of pyjamas.

Will I ever get to that true minimalist, pick up and go lifestyle? Seems somewhat out of reach right now, but life is a work in progress. I'm making an effort to shop as little as possible and when new things do come in, something has to go out. 

Going beyond physical things, I'm trying to simplify my time online as well. I use Facebook as little as possible, keep my inboxes empty, don't give my email to anything new unless I LOVE it or need to for whatever reason. I think the internet, tv and related are a huge hindrance to me getting things done. Not to say I will quit them all together, but less time should be spent on them. Especially if I'm just using out of boredom. 

For the sake of my mind, I don't tend to read magazines anymore either and have gotten rid of all my old ones. That is just an expensive way to allow the world to make you feel bad about yourself. That, and the IKEA catalogue is way better than whatever drama is going on in the lives of the Housewives of Orange county. 

Speaking of IKEA, it's a very very slow work in progress, but someday I would love to have a perfectly designed/decorated home that is cohesive and relaxing and simple and beautiful to be in. It's the little things. 

Wish me luck!

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