
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Animethon 21

This was my first time being at Animethon and it was different than I expected. A lot of the schedule was just different Anime shows that people could go watch. Other than that, there were panels to listen in on, a fashion show, demonstrations and the costume contests. I think it had the tiniest vendor hall ever as well. 
Something else I noticed, far more people were dressed up than not. The people in general seemed to be different than the comic con crowd. An interesting observation. 

I think we spent even less time than normal in panels and never stayed for the full days. Being on a relatively small campus compared to an events centre limits how much there is to do and how many times we wanted to walk the same hallways. 

The few things we did see where great though. The costume competition was both better and worse than the ones I'm used to. All the competitors did skits on stage in costume which I loved, but I felt like I barely new who any characters were. 
I also watched a Lolita fashion show which was a lot of fun and may or may not be my current obsession now. 
We went to a panel about prop and armor making materials/techniques as well, but I didn't love that. She hadn't worked with 2/3 of the materials she was talking about so it didn't really tell me much. 

As you would have seen by now, I wore a brand new costume to the event. Armoured Sailor Neptune. I'm so please with how well it turned out and how durable and wearable it was. It took a bit of thinking and some on site adjusting but it was generally a big success. 
I've been making it since May and I only just finished it the day before Animethon. That being said, I never had a chance for a trial wear before hand. Everything stayed as it was meant to, no damage was done to it at the show and very little discomfort for me throughout the 2 days I wore it. 
The wrist guards were painful because of where they sat, the wig was great, expect by the end of the day it started to feel a bit sore. The tiara was attached to my face with eyelash glue. That was such a good idea, in theory, until I realized it was glued in my hairline. Bye bye baby hairs. I also wore heels for the first half of day 1 but changed before they could do any damage. And lastly, the body armor was very comfortable to wear, but damn near impossible to sit in. It has no bend or flex at all and leaves very little range of movement. That only affected me in a few small ways; 1. No bending, only squatting down. (Don't drop anything!) 2. Bathroom.. Everything is fine and well until you have to re-dress yourself and have no assistant. The body suit I was wearing had snaps. So smart. Without them I would have had to take EVERYTHING off, with them however, I found it near impossible to do up. No range of movement or bending, remember. 3. Sitting was all but out of the question. The armor is to long to allow for comfortable sitting and because I physically couldn't bend or stretch or hunch at all, I had to sit up realistically straight and then the armor was cutting into my thighs. 

I realize now that I said "very little discomfort" and then proceeded to write an entire paragraph about discomforts it caused me, but it really wasn't TO bad. 

And that's about all I have to say. Here are a few of my favorite costumes I saw thoughout the weekend. 

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