
Monday, August 18, 2014

A day in my cosplay life

I wanted to make a bit of a different post for this one. I take so many pictures all the time anyway that I figured capturing the extras would make a fun post. This is a day in my cosplay life. 

Get up to early and start the prep! Wash face, brush teeth, have breakfast. Normal things. 
This day was a bit different considering I would be wearing a wig. 2 tight French braids, twisted and pinned to make my hair as flat as possible. No one likes a conehead inside a wig. 
The white straps are part of the costume. I didn't want to put it on and pull the wig or ruin my makeup, also didn't want to get makeup on the white so I kept the black top over it. 

Put the wig cap on to make extra sure that everything stays in place. Attractive, I know. 

First layer of makeup. Definitely wear more makeup than an average day. Anime characters don't have imperfections, freckles, redness, etc...

Second layer of makeup. And no, I didn't get extremely tanned from one photo to the next, I assume the sun went behind a cloud..

Green eyebrows to match the wig, lots more makeup, false lashes. 

Finished my makeup and put the wig on. Hairspray. A lot. 

Glued the tiara to my face using lash glue. 
Super clever, in theory. 
Put on the chocker. 

On the first day I wore everything to the event. It was extremely uncomfortable in the car. Day 2 I put the armour on at the event. 
Everything is made by hand, by me. The only exception is the shoes and white body suit under the armour. 

And so the day begins. Take pictures. 

See as much as possible. Lots of walking. 

Brave the big scary lines. An unfortunate downfall of any convention or show. There are always lines to wait in. 

More pictures. It's always fun to take pictures with other cosplayers, especially if they are from the same show, game, movie, etc.. 

I take more pictures of other people than I do with them though. This was my absolute favorite costume over the weekend. 

Another unfortunate downside. Costumes aren't necessarily very comfortable. This particular one for example left me with slightly bruised wrists, a very sore forehead, and a sore back because I was unable to bend. The fact that i wore heels for 1 day wasn't ideal either. I still love it though. 

The aftermath of the glued on tiara. 

Onto the next event. A masquerade ball. 
Considering I don't own a mask, I was very pleased with the one I ended up wearing. 

More pictures. 

Chad being super cute with his lightsaber telescope. 
We played cosplay bingo. Each square had a task or person to find and to claim that square you took a picture of them. 
This is "cosplayer in a silly pose"

Lolita fashion show. I really loved this and it's my current obsession. 
If you don't know what Lolita is, I suggest you look it up. I couldn't explain it..

And to finish that day off, it turns out I was having a super good hair day under that wig!

And that's all. I had an awesome time wearing my newest costume and I really enjoyed my first Animethon. 
As usual, I'll have more posts coming soon about how I made my costume and my days at the show. 

See you soon!

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