
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The summer; 2014

I have so many things I want to do this summer, places I want to go, food to eat and adventures to have. 
Some of them are right here at home and others will take me away. I've already gotten a start on a few of them, so things are looking good!

The St Albert Farmers market. 
A good excuse to be outside, and a great place for fresh local and semi-local foods. Delicious fresh veggies, sausage made locally, honey from a town away and foreign foods that haven't be stuffed with preservatives and shipped across the world. 
'Operation: Superhero' will be fuelled by this market. (More on that soon!)

Next, I need to visit a beach/lake/river. I absolutely love swimming (read: being in water) and I prefer to leave the pools for winter time when they are less crowded. The mermaid in me wants to be at the beach 24/7/365. 

An absolute must for summer time is camping. Chad and I have gone every year since we have been together and I don't plan to stop anytime soon. Camp fire, hiking, disconnecting from the world and connect with each other and just generally being away. Away from work, getting dressed/doing hair/makeup, away from the internet. I love it. 

Along the same lines, we are also planning on hitting the hot springs this year. Probably the ones near Jasper which means I get to be near Jasper which makes me very happy. The mountains and open space, clear fresh water, nature... It's so amazing. Any time of year, really. I can't wait to get there. 

As I will be driving any day now (literally!) I plan to take full advantage and take myself on a road trip. Not sure where, when or with who, but I will go. 

Outside of those somewhat specific things already mentioned, I want to spend more time outside in general. Running, walking, sitting, exploring, visiting the places I love in Edmonton and area.. I'm happy to do whatever. The sun will be my friend this year. The sun and lots of SPF. 

Some of my favorite places that I plan to get to are Fort Edmonton Park, the Devonian Botanical Gardens, Pembina River and Hawrelak Park just to name a few. Fort Edmonton certainly wins top spot though, it never gets old. 

And finally, I want to run 10km. Last year I was running 5 without stops or walking and this year I want to get to 10. It's nice to set a goal and try to crush it. I feel extra motivated that way. 

And those are the Summer 2014 must-do's. I'm sure you will hear all about them as they unfold. Blogging is exciting that way. 
Actually, let's add that too. Summer 2014 I want to post more blogs, share more experiences and take more photos. I love sharing with all of you and I love that I can read back and re-live the good times. I hope you enjoy sharing them with me too. 


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