
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Food lately

As of lately, I'm suffering from a bit of writers block. I have ideas of what I what to post, but I can't really get the words out. 
To remedy this, I'm going to give you pictures. Pictures of delicious food that I've been collecting for a few weeks. 
Don't drool on the keyboard. 

Baked Mac and cheese with garlic toast and Caesar salad. 

Fat Franks hotdog. The best hotdog. 

Fresh lemonade at the local farmers market. 

Shake's. Cinnamon toast crunch and cap'n crunch. Amazing. 

A burger with poutine ON IT!!!

Salad at home. Home grown lettuce, cucumber, pepper, tomato, mozzarella and red apple balsamic. Ambrosia apple. Seaweed salad. 

Sunny day cocktails. 

A box of treats. I finally made it to Duchess. 

Mini banana cream pie. 

Mini chocolate cake. (Not mine!)

Scrambled eggs with shrimp, peppers and avocado. 

This feels a bit lame, but I feel the need to post something while I try to write. At least it looks delicious though... 
Leave a comment with ideas if you care to read specific types of posts. 

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