
Monday, May 12, 2014

Calgary expo; 1 and 2

For the first time, this years Calgary Comic Expo was 4 days instead of the usual 3.
Like last year, chad and I made a weekend trip out of it. Fortunately it's a reasonably short drive and we kept the whole trip inexpensive by staying in a hostel. 

Some people think it strange to stay in hostels so close to home, but I've really grown to like the atmosphere and the price certainly doesn't hurt. Less than $200 for both of us to stay for 3 nights. That's a win in my book. 
It also turned out to be one of the best hostels I've stayed in so far. Everything is included. Wifi, breakfast, sheets, towels, they do laundry for you, free international calling, free computer use, etc.. I would highly recommend it to anyone staying in Calgary. 
Wicked Hostels is downtown right across from the stampede grounds. 

Day one at the expo was just a "preview" day. Shorter hours, less guests and panels and so many fewer people. Little did we know, it is the perfect day to meet any of the guests, shop and find out where everything is. We didn't dress up for this day and I didn't even bring my camera. Bad blogger! 

Day 2 went from 12-7 and so we took advantage and slept in. Chad more so than me because my costume/hair/makeup takes significantly longer than him just getting dressed. 
When putting together a cosplay it's always good to take a test run with the whole costume on, and hair and makeup done. Partially to see how everything looks, but more so to see if anything will fall apart. 
We had already been out in costume to take pictures so I knew I was sturdy, but I left hair and makeup until the day of. I spent a good hour (at least!) in the washroom with a bunch of other girls all getting ready for the con as well. We bonded over hair and costumes. 

By the time we got to the expo, which was just across the street. It had been open for about 10-15 minutes and we were able to walk right in the door. This was by far one the best surprise of the day! At the previous cons we have been to, we have had to wait in line for several hours to get in. Winning again! 

Both of our costumes, my Arya Stark and Chads Sith Lord were received very well. Without sounding vain, I have to admit that I love when people ask to take my picture. I get such a feeling of accomplishment, like I've made something successful that people really like! 

Most of the day was spent browsing the booths, checking out art and getting pictures taken. We also spent a pretty decent amount of time checking out the celebrities that were there. Manu Bennett, Tom Felton, Sean Astin and so many more. I also spent a good chunk of time being a fan girl around the cosplay guests. I have a little crush on Jessica Nigri. 

Another awesome part of the convention and something we didn't have much of in Edmonton is the food. Before, the choices were greasy pizza and greasy burgers, now there are several local food trucks to choose from, ice cream, onigiri, a buffet, pizza, sandwiches, salads, fruit, smoothies and more. It was so nice to have more to choose from and that some options were even healthy! Let me just tell you, when all you eat is pizza for 3 days, it is not a good feeling and does not end well. 

Lastly for day 2, we went to see a panel by a UofC professor about how cosplay is important to the world and should be accepted as an art form. He thinks the world would be a better place if we played dress up everyday. I'm inclined to agree with him. He talked about how people can be anyone they want to be and the audience backed him up. People spoke up to say how in everyday life they are shy or socially awkward or just totally average, and then they put on a costume and that all goes away. Now they are heroes and not only ok, but happy to be in a room with thousands of other people. It's a great thing.

Anyway, more about the rest of the weekend will be up soon. 

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