
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Arya Stark in the woods

Now that I've told you all about how I went about making the costume, I figured you may want to see the finished product all put together. 
First though, a few fun facts. 
-I wore purple rubber boots for these pictures, but I painted them brown. When they got wet they turned right back to purple
-I didn't actually end up wearing these pants to the con even though that's what I made them for.
 They fall down to much...
-We took these pictures off an extremely muddy dirt road beside a lake outside our city and found all kinds of bizarre things in the woods with us. 
Most bizarre of all was a newspaper box tied to the top of a tree..


Not trying to look sexy and feeling a bit awkward, but I was actually trying to get the clothes dirty and worn looking. Chad just caught my cheeky smiling face. 

Did you spot the purple boots?

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