
Saturday, March 1, 2014

...and the eye contact thing

Chad and I were talking the other day and he brought something to my attention. Something I am very well aware of, but didn't want to realize how other people notice it too. 

Basically, I can't look people in the eyes. Well, for a short time I can, but if we are having any kind of longish conversation there's a good chance I will not be looking. Maybe I'll look at your mouth, hair, or shoulder.. Perhaps I'll focus in the space behind your head or maybe (and very likely) the room we are in is suddenly very interesting and I need to check out everything else. 

I don't know where this issue comes from, what stemmed it or when, but it sucks. I feel like an ass every time. How could people not notice this? 
If you are someone who has noticed, I apologize. I'm not trying to be rude, you aren't likely hideous, I'm not trying to lie or hide anything be avoiding eye contact. Honestly, I just can't. 
It hurts my eyes and they will start to water if I look into your eyes for to long. I know, I'm kind of a weirdo. 
But, if it's weird for you, imagine how uncomfortable it is for me. I know very well that the normal thing to do is look at people when talking. Just think about how much job interviews suck for me???

And that's about all. Is anyone else like this or am I all alone?

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