
Monday, February 24, 2014

The gift

So, I had the craziest thing happen to me yesterday. It blew my mind. 

It basically started where all my Sundays start, at work. I was just minding my own business doing what I do and a group of about 7-8 people walked up to me. 

"Hi, I know you're busy working but we are hoping we could just talk to you for a minute." 
At this point I would like to stress that I don't know these people, they don't know me, we haven't met and as far as I know we have no mutual friends/family, etc..

Of course I said yes. It's kind of in the job description to be nice and talk to the people that come in. 

They told they do this thing where they give gifts to someone, someone that "he" wants to tell that he loves them. 
Just stick with me here. 
I listened while they told me this, feeling a bit confused and unsure about what was happening I asked who "he" is. After all, they are telling me that "he" loves me. 
It turns out that "he" is God. These people are part of a church group that gets together (I assume after church?) at my work on Sundays. The group is usually about 15-20 people. 
Anyway, the point is, through them God tells people he loves them. He will pick a specific person and these people give gifts to them and just let them know that they are loved by god. 

I feel like this is honestly the craziest thing that has happened to me. And I don't mean to say the people are crazy or anything, it's just a really wild random thing to have happen while minding my own business at work. 

Moving along now. They told me that God had chosen me. He loves me and he wanted these people to tell me that and give me gifts. The man that seemed to be the head of this whole group said that everyone contributes, some like to give handmade things, some buy things and others give cash. I swear. 
And in case you are waiting for it, no one ever said "just kidding" there were no cameras, no "pay it forward. No expectations. No recruitments. 

Being the very awkward individual that I am, I thanked them and as they walked away I put the gift bag on the floor behind my counter and continued my work, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. What did happen?!?!

Eventually curiosity got the better of me and I looked in the bag, having no expectations and nothing to go off of, I can honestly say my mind was blown. 

-Homemade preserved peaches and choke cherry syrup
-A bracelet made by one of the young girls 
-Sunglasses shaped Chip clips..
-Lindt chocolate
-Pictures drawn by some of the kids
-2 gift cards
-$200 IN CASH ?!?!?!?
-And an explanation letter

Here is what the letter says:

"Life is a blessing
I imagine all this is a surprise to you, and as I was praying about the whole idea I felt that a surprise (a good one) is just what you need. Life is full of surprises and it's what you do with them that counts. I've found that it's a good idea to welcome them because in my life I've really understood more about God in all of them. I hope the surprise you've had today helps you understand life in a deeper way and that you can enjoy the goodness of God. This wasn't some random act of kindness, it was a purposes act of blessing. And in that I encourage you to allow the blessing to bring you great encouragement."

And that is it..

Later in the day a lady from the group came over to talk to me. She asked me if they had made me feel awkward or uncomfortable. I said no. Maybe a tiny lie. I'm awkward anyway though.. I told her more that anything I was really shocked by the whole thing. 
Then she asked, "if you think about it, is this something you needed in your life?" 
About that I can't lie. Who does need a little surprise now and then? Some extra cash? Love? 

That's about it. Whether you are a believer or not, and we aren't going to talk about that, you have to admit its a pretty nice gesture. 


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