
Monday, January 6, 2014

This year

Every day should be lived to its fullest and every morning is a chance to start over, but that doesn't mean a new year isn't a good time to start over if you haven't already. Or maybe, you aren't starting over at all but rather improving, going farther, or making new plans. 

I figured It really couldn't hurt to make myself a bit of a list to achieve. Maybe this year, maybe this month, perhaps before I'm 30.. 
Here it is:

I want to de-clutter. My home, my life.. I think sometimes I'm entirely to materialistic. Things are just that, things. If it can be replaced or lived without, it can't be THAT important, can it? Those little irreplaceable things, the photos, the objects that hold memories and love, that's worth keeping around. Everything is entertainment or space filler. That's not necessarily bad, entertainment is good sometimes but it also takes up so much space! 

I've been wanting to take a photography class for quite a long time now and I think the time has come. I love taking pictures but I would love to get better at taking them. I want images that draw feeling. 
Somewhat along the same lines, I want to do more of the creative things I love. Painting is a big one. I don't think I'm great, but I just love to do it anyway. I'm also a big fan of crocheting. I've made quite a few things, all simple, and now I think it's time to learn something for complicated. 
Lastly in the creative field, I have fallen so in love with making costumes. I plan to make several more this year and I hope every one can be better than the last. 

Another big thing is travel. Obviously. There are so many places I want to go. Everywhere really. I can't see how anyone could want to stay in one place forever, the world is such an amazing place.  I've already been planning for my next trip!
Travel doesn't come cheap though so saving $$$ is another must. 
Not just to see the world though, as much as I don't like it, the world runs on money and we all need it.  I would love to pay off the money I owe and get ahead as soon as possible. 

Considering I'm 22 I would have to say its long past time that I got my drivers license. I've always been content without it. I can usually get rides if I need them or take the (useless) city buses to get where I need, but I don't like it anymore. I want to go where I want, when I want and I don't want it to be a hassle. Having to leave an hour before I work because that's the only bus sucks, it's a 5 minute drive!!!

Moving along to my last goal, and it's a big one. Health. By no means am I super unhealthy or obese or overly lazy, but I can certainly improve myself. I want to keep up with my nieces without being tired, I want to run daily because I enjoy it and because I can, I want to be flexible, fit and strong. Eat well. Ditch the crap. General overall healthy lifestyle. 

And that's all. For now. 

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